Friday, November 27, 2009

All a-Bard: Cooper Gazes Beyond the Horizon

Cooper Bard, youngest son of the Bard clan (East Waterford branch) and future world traveller, seeks your assistance!

Coop-dawg, as some of his high school chums have dubbed him, has set his sights on (or -- more accurately -- past!) his present horizons and needs financial backing to meet his goal.

Coop would like to become an AFS exchange student to Thailand, aka the "Land of Smiles." He hopes to accomplish this early in 2010, returning in early 2011 in time to complete his high school studies at Fannett-Metal High School in Willow Hill, PA and graduate with his classmates.

Time is short and the adventure of a lifetime doesn't come cheap. Thus, having been stripped of all pride long ago by the harrowing trails of life as we have known it, we, his immediate family, request the generous assistance of friends, family, and strangers so that he may experience this unique and life enhancing inter-cultural experience.

If not already 'up' when you view this, a link will soon be visible on this blog which will enable you to donate directly to his fundraising efforts with AFS. All funds you donate go directly to his account.

Please consider helping. This would make a great Christmas gift to Cooper if you had one in mind. Once Cooper travels, this blog will allow him to relay his year abroad directly to interested readers with stories, updates and photos.

Meanwhile, this blog will grow with interesting facts and tidbits about that boy we all love and know, be it as The Coopinator, Coop-dawg, or just plain Cooper Bard, future inventor of an engine capable of warp drive.